Book Jessica Lederhausen, DDS, MPh

Oral and Whole Body Health Advocate, Author, and Speaker.






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  • Jessica Lederhausen is a dentist, health coach, public health advocate, and founder of The Lagom Method™, a Swedish lifestyle-based toolkit that helps people embrace a grounded and balanced lifestyle.

    Her passion and curiosity for educating people towards a healthier lifestyle with a focus on the mouth as the gateway to holistic health include how our posture is, where we rest our tongue, how we breathe, and more.

    Being a thought leader in this field comes from her diverse accomplishments as a dentist, former pro golfer, being a serial entrepreneur, including founding TEDxChicago and being a mother of four and grandmother.

    She also has a book out:
    Oral: A Swedish-inspired Secret to Full Body Health Starting in Your Mouth, is all about how the reader can take control of their health, starting with their mouths, all of which connects to my career as a dentist in addition to being a public health advocate and a coach with focus on 'habit creating'. 

  • Dr. Jessica Lederhausen is a multi-faceted health professional and thought leader, inspired by her diverse accomplishments as a dentist, professional athlete, entrepreneur, coach, and author.

    Born and raised in Sweden, Jessica was an accomplished professional golfer on the Swedish National Team and at UCLA before embarking on her dental career. She received her formal dental training at the renowned Karolinska Institute in Sweden, where she engaged in clinical work for a research group.

    When Jessica, her husband Mats, and their four children moved to Chicago in 1999, Jessica pursued a Master's in Public Health, specializing in Epidemiology, at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). The program’s focus on global health and holistic wellness deeply resonated with her.

    With a growing passion and curiosity for health beyond traditional boundaries, as well as personal development, Jessica pursued further training and coaching certification from The Life Purpose Institute and the Tiny Habits Academy.

    A turning point for Jessica was when she attended her first TED event nearly a decade ago, where she found a like-minded community of lifelong learners, disruptors, and connectors. This was the catalyst for her involvement with TEDxChicago as the founder, director, and speaker coach. The role not only broadened her understanding of diverse topics, but also expanded her personal and professional circle to include experienced writers, authors, and thought leaders.

    As a testament to Jessica’s commitment to following her passion, embracing change, and identifying societal needs, her personal and professional journey provided the framework for her current pursuits as the founder of the lifestyle and coaching platform at The Lagom Method™, and author of her inaugural book, “Oral: The Swedish Guide to Overall Health Starting in your Mouth.”

  • - Life Purpose Institute
    - Tiny Habits Method
    - TEDx Speaker Coaching
    - TEDxChicago Founder
    - University of Illinois Chicago
    - Executive School of Public Health
    - Executive Advisory Board (EAB)

  • - The surprising link between imbalances in the mouth and adverse health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancers and autoimmune diseases.
    - How the highway to health is two-way street: what goes on in your mouth can affect your gut, but the reverse is also true.
    - The Swedish philosophy of “lagom” as a guidepost for balanced living to support your overall health and happiness.
    - How you should eat, when you should eat, and what you should eat as one of the four pillars of healthy living.
    - The health benefits of stimulating Nitric Oxide production through mouth-taping, and nose breathing.

Media & Booking Contact:

Tracy Glass | Conscious Brand Lab
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